What is Bing?

Bing enables you to send all your outbound correspondence via postal mail, email, SMS and even fax - in next to no time, to a single recipient, or thousands.

Bing will transform the way you connect with your customers, saving you time and money.

Why Care Providers use Bing...

  • Staff no longer need to print, fold and envelope invoices, statements and letters
  • No set up costs. Only pay for what you send….send one letter or thousands
  • No need to manage or pre-purchase paper and envelopes or visit the post office
  • Bing offers same day printing and mailing
  • Expedites delivery of documents to your customers
  • Communicate to family and carers via email and SMS 
  • Works seamlessly with your existing technology platforms
  • Evidences delivery of correspondence
  • Secure - Military Strength Document Encryption
Dale Bing

How it Works

Prepare documents using your existing software.

Review and securely submit your documents to Bing via one of several methods - through our virtual mailroom application, by direct upload or programatically using our API.

Bing will take care of the rest. We will print, fold and post your statements, invoices and letters, generate and send your email and SMS. You can track your mailing status through Bing’s secure online customer portal. Simple.


Dale Bing


We can provide a comprehensive analysis of how Bing will save you time and money compared with your current outbound communication processes. Fill in the form below or give us a call on 1300 309 800 - we'd love to chat with you!